This app lets you upload and use custom datasets (or use built-in datasets popular in machine learning), train and test these models using various binary classification or regression algorithms (select 'Algorithms' from the top menu to learn more) and save their results (known as entries). You can then create graphs comparing the train and test accuracy (or R2 score for regression algorithms) of a particular dataset, algorithm and model parameter.
Please Login To Use This AppThe models that you train and test are known as entries. To create an entry:
You will then be taken to the ‘Entries’ page, which shows a list of all the models you have trained and tested. For binary classification algorithms, you will see the train/test accuracy results (which is represented by a decimal number from 0 to 1, where 1 equals 100% accuracy). For regression algorithms, you will see the R2 score, which represents how well a model fits a regression dataset (again represented by a decimal number from 0 to 1, where 1 means the model fits the dataset 100%). From here you can either add another entry, edit or delete any entries you’ve made.
You will then be taken to the Graphs page, where you should see the title of the graph you just created. Click on the title of the graph to view the graph.
You will be taken to the ‘Datasets’ page, and you should now see your dataset added to the list. You can then make entries and graphs using this custom data set. Note that if you delete this dataset, any entries or graphs you make using this dataset will be deleted also.
*(for datasets, the last column will be the target or output variable, and by default Excel files will ignore the first row of the dataset as this is header data, usually the title, which is not needed during training/testing and is provided by the user when uploading the dataset. Also note that for user uploaded binary classification datasets, the target values must either be 0 or 1, or 0 or -1)